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Kizer - Slim Line II - White · Hedonskate

Kizer - Slim Line II - White

Kizer Slimline II is the perfect product for flat skating, offering middle wheel protection combined with the fast & proven Fluid material. The Slimline is designed as a lightweight, strong frame and is available in 3 different sizes.

Multiple rockering options:


  • Up to 58mm wheels, all rockered down.
  • 60mm outside, rockered up, 56mm inside, rockered down

Antirocker / Freestyle:

  • Up to 80mm outside rockered up.
  • With 80mm wheels, grindwheels only fit in Frame size M & L (80mm wheels in size S frames are possible riding freestyle)
  • Depending on the skate, adjustments like cut-outs and recesses to the soulplate are necessary. The Slimline II allows the speed of 80mm wheels while still having a low profile frame with a low center of gravity.


Size table

SizeSize SSize MSize L
Shell size38-4041-4445-48


  • Inferno Caps


Developing frames since 1998 including the first after market UFS frame, Kizer has been the innovator in the world of frame technology. By constantly experimenting with new materials, new shapes and new ideas, Kizer is known for unbeatable range of products.