The Undercover Movie series offers a distinctive collection of wheels that are specifically designed for aggressive inline skating, and are signed with the names of the leading brand representatives. Each model is individually selected to meet specific requirements that align with the skating style of particular skaters.
For the 2023 season, Eugen Enin is changing his preferences a bit, so his new pro model wheel this time include a smaller 58 mm size and an all-new semi-round profile, designed for street skaters who want the perfect balance between speed and manoeuvrability. According to Eugen himself, the combination of the new shape and his favourite 90a hardness allows him to facilitate the full potential of his equipment. Available in a universal black colour to easily match any setup.
Undercover is another brand from theConference family. The wheel manufacture was based on completely different technologies: super thick core,a fast and durable urethane are the main features of new wheel series from Undercover.